Can we Improve the World Through Personal Development?

The following article was first published in Jönköping International Business School’s magazine in 2011. It is based on ideas that crossed my mind during a particularly happy time of my life, in 2010, when I felt I wanted to make a contribution, to give something back to the world but just couldn’t decide how. I discussed these ideas a few months later with a friend who was in charge of the university’s magazine and since he found them interesting, he suggested I wrote an article on the topic. Which I did – as much as a way to organize my thoughts and put them on paper as a way to open a debate and exchange opinions.
Later on I based my Master’s thesis on similar concepts, but with a stronger focus on entrepreneurs & business owners this time. The result was a bit clumsy but included interesting thoughts I believe, worth investigating further.
Likewise, the following article is a little clumsy too, perhaps unclear in some parts, but I like to think it contains valuable ideas – especially in the troubled times that are ours now – which is why I wanted to publish it again (online this time). I’ve also added a new section with thoughts and comments that reflect the insights and experience I gathered since the article was first written, and that also clarifies its core ideas. If you’d rather skip the original article and go straight to that section, it’s on page 3.
I can’t tell how far they’ll go or if they’ll be able to stay on track instead of devolving into either a bureaucratic & ineffective structure, or a dogmatic one taking itself too seriously because it thinks it “knows the truth”. However their mere existence signals a trend that, I believe, could be the most important of my generation (and probably of several more).