Music Composition

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What Is It?

Between when I was 17 and 23 years old, I composed several pieces of soundtrack-like music, mostly orchestral & symphonic, using almost exclusively virtual instruments (VSTi).

My work can be divided into 3 categories:

Chroniques de l’Autre Monde

3 albums gathering pieces I composed to illustrate my novel Chronicles of Galadria

Music Composed On-Demand

3 albums gathering tailor-made pieces I composed on-demand for other people’s audiovisual projects

Unpublished Pieces

Mostly projects canceled half-way through and music I composed as presents (for birthdays and such)

The Backstage

If you’d like to know more about the origin of my work, its evolution and the tools used, feel free to check out “The Backstage”!

Derivative Work

While I composed each and every piece for a specific purpose, most of them can also be enjoyed as they are, with nothing but a good pair of speakers/earphones! Which led myself and others to use my work in various projects.


Because I solely relied on virtual instruments in my work, I quickly started dreaming of hearing and watching a real orchestra performing some of my pieces. I got that chance in 2010, thanks to a small amateur orchestra of teenagers in the town of Hudiksvall (Sweden). Then again in 2012, this time thanks to the official orchestra of the city of Gävle (Sweden) — see video above!

Use in Other Projects

Fans or professionals, several people have used my music in their work: short movies, “let’s play” videos, covers, slideshows, corporate films, video-game trailers, documentaries… I’ve gathered what I could find on YouTube and there’s an interesting Making Of on Daily Motion featuring my work and mentioning my name at 5:35 (French only).

The Novel and Its Soundtrack

The 3 albums of the Chroniques de l’Autre Monde series were composed to illustrate my novel Chronicles of Galadria. And so as a first step in bringing them closer, I created videos combining both.

The Animation Series

I’m currently working on getting the production of an animation series based on my novel Chronicles of Galadria started. Once ready, it’ll be the ultimate combination of the book and its soundtrack.